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LC-MS/MS Steroid Analysis Solutions for Clinical Research
Here, LC column recommendations and chromatographic conditions for a 19-analyte steroid panel and additional sub-groups of steroids are presented along with sample preparation methods using supported liquid extraction (SLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Specific recommendations for male and female hormones in addition to cortisol are included

LC-MS/MS Steroid Analysis Solutions for Clinical Research

Here, LC column recommendations and chromatographic conditions for a 19-analyte steroid panel and additional sub-groups of steroids are presented along with sample preparation methods using supported liquid extraction (SLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Specific recommendations for male and female hormones in addition to cortisol are included
Document Type:
Supporting Docs
Separation Modes:
Reversed Phase, Simplified Liquid Extraction, Solid Phase Extraction, Supported Liquid Extraction

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LC-MS/MS Steroid Analysis Solutions for Clinical Research

Here, LC column recommendations and chromatographic conditions for a 19-analyte steroid panel and additional sub-groups of steroids are presented along with sample preparation methods using supported liquid extraction (SLE) and solid phase extraction (SPE). Specific recommendations for male and female hormones in addition to cortisol are included

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