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Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

Product Information
Explore advanced Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) techniques and products. Discover SPE columns, cartridges, and procedures for effective sample cleanup at Phenomenex.

The Strata-X PRO SPE combines polymeric sorbent technology with matrix removal features, enabling rapid and reliable analyte isolation, with a cleaner sample in just a few steps.

Phenomenex’s SPE products, with their targeted selectivity and robust capabilities, are crucial in producing cleaner samples to reduce interferences and premature column failure. This, in turn, significantly improves the accuracy and precision of HPLC and GC analyses, making them indispensable tools for achieving high-quality analytical results.

Ready to find the perfect extraction method in under a minute? Use Phenomenex’s SPE method development tool to help you quickly find the right extraction method for your analyte.
