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SecurityLINK HPLC/UHPLC Fingertight Fittings

Product Information
SecurityLink fingertight fitting system simplifies your system and column connections

To ensure that any HPLC or UHPLC system provides high efficiency and good peak shape it is essential to minimize dead-volume within the system. A common contributor to additional dead-volume are fitting connections routinely made to the column inlet and outlet which can lead to lower than expected efficiency, peak tailing, or misshaped peaks. SecurityLINK HPLC/UHPLC Fingertight Fittings provide a convenient solution with its auto-adjusting frit accommodating the precise depth of virtually every manufacturer’s column inlet to ensure a zero dead-volume connection. Additionally, the integrated Torque Limiting Technology eliminates column over- and undertightening that typically would result in column damage and poor analytical results.

  • Better HPLC/UHPLC Results with Zero Dead-Volume Connections
  • Torque Limiting Technology Prevents Overtightening and Undertightening
  • Pressure Rated to 19,000 psi (1,310 bar)


Inside SecurityLINK Fingertight Connections

The SecurityLINK LC fingertight fitting system simplifies your system and column connections while providing consistent performance through Torque Limiting Technology that prevents column damaging overtightening.

The Dead-Volume Difference

SecurityLINK LC Fittings vs Conventional Fittings

Poorly connected fittings are often the causes of carryover, band broadening, and peak tailing. SecurityLINK offers zero dead-volume connections every time.

Conditions for both separations:

50 x 2.1 mm
Part No.:
SecurityLINK Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
Water / Acetonitrile (35:65)
Flow Rate:
0.5 mL/min
25 °C
Injection Volume:
0.2 µL
UV @ 254 nm
1. Uracil
2. Acetophenone
3. Toluene
4. Naphthalene

Improved Column Performance

Increased Peak Efficiency and Reduction in Peak Asymmetry

PEEKsilâ„¢ tubing is manufactured with extremely high levels of precision in terms of ID and is also machine cut to provide connections with minimal dwell volume. As such it has become the tubing of choice where connections close to zero dwell volume are required. When moving from a conventional PEEKsil nut and ferrule fitting system to a SecurityLINK PEEKsil LC fingertight fitting system an increase in peak efficiency, and a reduction in peak asymmetry was demonstrated.

Fingertight Fitting System Connection

Peak Analyte Time Area K Factor Width Eff. Asym.
1 Uracil 0.13 13 0.000 0.011 802 1.56
2 Acetophenone 0.26 64 1.085 0.012 2852 1.46
3 Toluene 0.59 136 3.620 0.019 5273 1.16
4 Naphthalene 0.80 243 5.326 0.026 5433 1.12

Conventional Nut and Ferrule
Fitting System Connection

Peak Analyte Time Area K Factor Width Eff. Asym.
1 Uracil 0.40 19 0.000 0.015 7380 1.82
2 Acetophenone 0.60 68 0.633 0.016 13850 1.68
3 Toluene 1.11 188 1.753 0.021 20153 1.44
4 Naphthalene 1.35 320 2.359 0.024 21896 1.31

Fingertight Fitting System Connection

Peak Analyte Time Area K Factor Width Eff. Asym.
1 Uracil 0.42 21 0.000 0.013 7931 1.40
2 Acetophenone 0.67 69 0.571 0.014 15665 1.29
3 Toluene 1.07 165 1.520 0.018 22326 1.21
4 Naphthalene 1.27 295 1.998 0.020 24351 1.14

Conventional Nut and Ferrule
Fitting System Connection

Peak Analyte Time Area K Factor Width Eff. Asym.
1 Uracil 0.13 9 0.000 0.013 788 2.00
2 Acetophenone 0.27 55 1.110 0.014 2547 1.86
3 Toluene 0.60 97 3.725 0.022 4909 1.42
4 Naphthalene 0.81 163 5.452 0.029 4995 1.31

Conditions same for all samples:
30 x 2.1 mm
Part No.:
SecurityLink Part No.:
PEEKsil Part No.:
AT0-8896 (Tubing)
AQ0-8503 (Fitting)
Mobile Phase:
Acetonitrile/Water (50:50)
Flow Rate:
0.5 mL/min
Agilent® 1260 Infinity
100 x 2.1 mm
Part No.:
SecurityLink Part No.:
PEEKsil Part No.:
AT0-8896 (Tubing)
AQ0-8503 (Fitting)
Mobile Phase:
Acetonitrile/Water (65:35)
Flow Rate:
0.5 mL/min
Agilent® 1260 Infinity

Superior Robustness and Reproducibility

SecurityLINK Lifetime
While typical fittings are not cross-column compatible and prone to cause column damage with overtightening, SecurityLINK safely and easily allows you to continuously attach and detach columns. To illustrate the high robustness and durability of the SecurityLINK LC Fitting System, the fitting was disconnected and reconnected 100 times to a highly sensitive sub-2 μm core-shell UHPLC column.

Conditions for all columns:

50 x 2.1 mm
SecurityLink Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
Water/Acetonitrile (50:50)
Flow Rate:
0.5 mL/min
Injection Volume:
0.2 µL
25 °C
1. Uracil
2. Acetophenone
3. Toluene
4. Naphthalene

Compatibility with Column Vendors

Consistent Results with SecurityLINK
SecurityLINK LC Fittings were designed to be compatible with the majority of LC columns and systems that are available on the market. That gives you the ability to utilize this easy to use fitting on each system and with multiple columns. To prove this, the SecurityLINK was evaluated below for compatibility with different column vendors; Phenomenex, Waters®, and Agilent®.

Conditions for all columns:

Luna Omega 1.6 μm C18
ACQUITY BEH 1.7 μm C18
Zorbax Eclipse Plus 1.8 μm C18 RRHD
50 x 2.1 mm
SecurityLink Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
Water/Acetonitrile (50:50)
Flow Rate:
0.5 mL/min
Injection Volume:
0.2 µL
25 °C
1. Uracil
2. Acetophenone
3. Toluene
4. Naphthalene