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Product Information
Phase Detail
Zebron ZB-Drug-1 GC Columns
Zebron ZB-Drug-1 GC columns are specially designed for GC analysts of drugs

Zebron ZB-Drug-1 GC Columns

Dramatically Faster Toxicology Testing

  • Specially deactivated to improve inertness and quantitation for drug compounds
  • Quickly and accurately analyze drug of abuse with great peak shape
  • Improve resolution of target analytes from matrix interferences
  • Run amphetamines in under 6 minutes and opiates in under 5 minutes
Need alternate selectivity for drugs? See ZB-5MSi.

Recommended Applications
Drug Screening (6-MAM, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Opiates, PCP, THC)

R&D100 Logo 

R&D 100 Award-Winning Technology for Drugs of Abuse
Unclog your sample backlog! Developed by the leading GC scientists in the world, R&D 100 award-winning ZB-Drug-1 columns are specifically designed to analyze drugs abuse, with run times 2 to 8 times faster than typical GC columns used for toxicology testing. The novel phase chemistry has a dimethylpolysiloxane backbone with a special phenyl-containing functionally and improves resolution of typically troublesome analytes.

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