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UHPLC Columns

Dramatically improve your efficiencies with the ultra-high performing Phenomenex UHPLC columns! As a leader in UHPLC, Phenomenex offers exceptionally high quality and unique fully porous and core-shell particle type UHPLC columns that achieve extraordinary resolution results for your separations on any system.

Some of the UHPLC columns we provide are:

Biozen UHPLC Columns

bioZen biocompatible UHPLC columns offer excellent inertness and high efficiency for biologic applications such as peptide mapping, aggregrate analysis, and glycan analysis, and peptide quanitification.


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bioZen LC Columns

Luna Omega UHPLC Colunns

Luna Omega fully porous UHPLC columns are packed with 1.6 Âµm and 3 Âµm silica particles provide exceptional efficiency, inertness, and reproducibility.

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Luna Omega UHPLC Colunns

Kinetex Core-Shell UHPLC Columns

Kinetex 1.3 and 1.7 Âµm core-shell UHPLC columns provide remarkably high efficiencies, fast separations, and are the industry Gold Standard for UHPLC separations.

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Kinetex Core-Shell UHPLC Columns

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Installation of a Phenomenex Column onto a Waters® ACQUITY® UPLC® System

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