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Product Information
Phase Detail
Zebron-ZB-DHA-PONA GC Columns
Zebron-ZB-DHA-PONA GC columns are the optimal choice for the analysis of Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) within the Fuel industry

Zebron-ZB-DHA-PONA GC Columns

The Optimal Choice for PIONA, DHA and PONA:

Zebron ZB-DHA-PONA is the optimal choice for the analysis of Detailed Hydrocarbon Analysis (DHA) within the Fuel industry. It’s unique Engineered Self Cross-linking™(ESC) stationary phase provides low bleed and exceptional column life for optimal separation of DHA critical pairs with symmetric peaks. In addition, Zebron ZB-DHA-PONA GC columns provide excellent response and peak symmetry for polar oxygenates.

  • Excellent peak shape for polar & nonpolar compounds
  • Temperature stability & flexibility
  • Highly efficient dimension and consistent film thickness delivers excellent separation of Paraffins, Iso-paraffins, Olefins, Naphthenes, Aromatics and polar compounds
  • Extensive ESC™ provides intact stationary phase and MS certified low bleed
  • Well-suited for true boiling point separation
  • Excellent resolving power for critical pairs in complex petrochemical samples

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