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Product Information
Phase Detail
Kinetex EVO C18 Core-Shell HPLC Columns<br class="t-last-br" /> <br class="t-last-br" />
Explore Phenomenex's Kinetex Evo C18 HPLC columns for high-efficiency separations. Achieve superior chromatographic performance and reliability. Kinetex EVO C18 core-shell HPLC columns provide C18 reversed-phase retention, and are pH stable from 1-12.

Kinetex EVO C18 Core-Shell HPLC Columns

High pH Stable Core-Shell

Kinetex EVO C18 uses a patented organo-silica  grafting process which incorporates uniform stabilizing ethane cross-linking to provide resistance to high pH attack while maintaining the mechanical strength of the core-shell particle. The Kinetex EVO C18 column provides both increased peak sensitivity and decreased overall analysis time.

  • Compatible with All Analytical HPLC/UHPLC Systems*
  • 100 % Aqueous Mobile Phases Stable
  • pH Stable 1-12
  • USP: L1

Kinetex EVO is patented by Phenomenex. U.S. Patent Nos. 7,563,367 and 8,658,038 and foreign counterparts.
*Kinetex analytical columns are compatible with all LC system with standard LC column end-fittings threaded in 10-32. Please contact us for any questions and information about fitting compatibility and any other column internal diameters.

Carbon Load
null %
Particle Size
1.7, 2.6, 5
Recommended Use
High pH stability from 1-12 to deliver robust methods and improved peak shape for bases

Selectivity for Polar Basic Compounds

A novel Core-Shell that is pH stable 1-12 that delivers robust methods and improved peak shape for bases while still providing hydrophobic selectivity.


Kinetex EVO C18 column - Unique Polar Basic Selectivity

With excellent performance across a large pH range, Kinetex EVO C18 columns allow you to transform chromatograms and manipulate retention order, no matter the combination of compound functionalities. Now is your chance to break the mold and let your creative LC side flourish.

Conditions for all columns:

Kinetex 5 µm EVO C18
150 x 4.6 mm
Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
A: 20 mM Potassium phosphate
B: Acetonitrile
20-75 % B in 10 minutes
Flow Rate:
1.5 mL/min
30 ˚C
UV @ 254 nm
1. Ibuprofen
2. Diphenhydramine
3. Ethyl Benzene

Fully Porous vs. Core-Shell

Conditions for all columns:

Kinetex 5 µm EVO C18
XBridge 5 µm C18
XBridge 3.5 µm C18
150 x 4.6 mm
Mobile Phase:
A: 0.1 % Formic acid in Water
B: 0.1 % Formic acid in Acetonitrile
5 % to 95 % B over 10 minutes
Flow Rate:
1.5 mL/min
UV @ 254 nm
1. Uracil
2. Pindolol
3. Chlorpheniramine
4. Nortriptyline
5. 3-Methyl-4-Nitrobenzoic acid
6. 5-Methyl Salicyl Aldehyde
7. Hexaphenone