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Product Information
Phase Detail
Clarity RP-Desalting
Clarity RP Desalting tubes allow for rapid desalting of trityl off synthetic oligo mixtures

Clarity RP-Desalting

Quick Salt Removal

Clarity RP-Desalting tubes utilize reversed phase, in lieu of size exclusion, to eliminate salt and reagent from trityl off synthetic oligo mixtures in order to capitalize on the speed and loading capacity benefits.

  •  ~70 % purity and ~80 % recovery of target oligo
  • Economical and disposable format

U.S. Patent No. 7,119,145

Clarity (SPE)
Recommended Use
Eliminate salts and reagents from trityl-off synthetic oligo mixtures resulting in high recoveries

General Extraction

Desalting of Dye-Labeled DNA

A quencher-labeled sample of DNA (25nt) with the sequence FAMTTGACTTAGACTTAGA-CTTAGTTT was desalted using Clarity RP Desalting tubes in the 200 mg/3 mL format. Collection fractions were then analyzed for purity and recovery.

Clarity 3 µm Oligo-RP C18
50 x 4.6 mm
Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
A: 50 mM TEAA, pH 7.5 / 5 % Acetonitrile
B: Methanol
A/B (90:10) to A/B (40:60) in 20 min
Flow Rate:
1 mL/ min
UV @ 260 nm
25nt DNA oligonucleotide

Clarity 3 µm Oligo-RP C18
50 x 4.6 mm
Part No.:
Mobile Phase:
A: 50 mM TEAA, pH 7.5 / 5 % Acetonitrile
B: Methanol
A/B (90:10) to A/B (40:60) in 20 min
Flow Rate:
1 mL/ min
UV @ 260 nm
40nt DNA