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Product Information
Phase Detail
BioZen Peptide-XB-C18

BioZen Peptide-XB-C18

Digested mAbs or ADCs typically include a large body of compounds which are crucial to understanding post translation modifications. So we designed our Biozenâ„¢ Peptide columns to offer highly useful and unique retention profiles. Biozen Peptide XB-C18 allows for fast and effective elution windows by utilizing core-shell particles to gain sharper peaks, better peak capacities, and overall higher sensitivity.

Biozen Peptide columns provide:

  • Unique retention profiles
  • Greater peak coverage
  • High efficiency on both HPLC and UHPLC

Separation Mode
Reversed Phase
Pore Size
Particle Size
1.7, 2.6, 5
Recommended Use
Overall retention of both acidic and basic peptides for both peptide mapping and peptide quantitation applications