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Welcome to PhenoAcademy

Product Information
Enhance Your Chromatography Understanding
Learn more with our short webinar educational series at Phenomenex to enhance your chromatographic knowledge! Register today!

Enhance Your Chromatography Understanding

PhenoAcademy offers valuable training resources to a diverse scientific community. It is tailored for newer scientists bridging the gap between theory and real-world application, and for career-focused researchers seeking advancement. Our educational series is curated by Phenomenex scientists and technical experts, and the sessions cover chromatography fundamentals and advanced applications where the participants earn completion certificates. Bi-monthly free webinars, guides, white papers, and technical notes enrich the learning experience. Come explore PhenoAcademy and see what courses fit your needs!

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”The subject matter experts on the Phenomenex Technical Team come from diverse chromatography backgrounds, accumulating countless combined years of experience in various industries, providing us with a unique perspective on the technique. Teaching and sharing this acquired knowledge brings an incredible amount of joy to our careers. PhenoAcademy has allowed us to build and deliver content that can help both emerging and established chromatographers!" Genevieve Hodson, Manager of Technical Customer Support.
