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Performance Comparison of Biozen™ dSEC-7 SEC Column for AAV Aggregate Analysis
In this application note, Biozen 3 µm dSEC-7, 700 Å column exhibits superior performance when compared to XBridge Premier 2.5 µm GTx BEH, 450 Å column in resolving monomer from aggregates, showcasing its enhanced ability to characterize higher-level aggregates for AAV3 and AAV8 serotypes. Exceptional resolution (up to Rs=2.01) is achieved even at lower flow rates (0.25 mL/min) while maintaining consistent retention and peak area reproducibility.

Performance Comparison of Biozen™ dSEC-7 SEC Column for AAV Aggregate Analysis

In this application note, Biozen 3 µm dSEC-7, 700 Å column exhibits superior performance when compared to XBridge Premier 2.5 µm GTx BEH, 450 Å column in resolving monomer from aggregates, showcasing its enhanced ability to characterize higher-level aggregates for AAV3 and AAV8 serotypes. Exceptional resolution (up to Rs=2.01) is achieved even at lower flow rates (0.25 mL/min) while maintaining consistent retention and peak area reproducibility.
Document Type:
Technical Notes
Target Industries:
Separation Modes:
Size Exclusion

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Performance Comparison of Biozen™ dSEC-7 SEC Column for AAV Aggregate Analysis

In this application note, Biozen 3 µm dSEC-7, 700 Å column exhibits superior performance when compared to XBridge Premier 2.5 µm GTx BEH, 450 Å column in resolving monomer from aggregates, showcasing its enhanced ability to characterize higher-level aggregates for AAV3 and AAV8 serotypes. Exceptional resolution (up to Rs=2.01) is achieved even at lower flow rates (0.25 mL/min) while maintaining consistent retention and peak area reproducibility.

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