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Robustness of Biozen dSEC-7 to Mobile Phase Changes for the Aggregate Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsids
In this technical note, Biozen dSEC-7 proves instrumental in quickly and accurately resolving AAV monomer from aggregates in under 10 minutes, showcasing consistent results across different mobile phase conditions. With a 700 A pore size and patented hydrophilic diol-type surface chemistry, this SEC column ensures excellent resolution and recovery for AAV serotypes 5, 8, and 9. The column's robustness across different mobile phase conditions offers a flexible approach when developing methods to reliably and reproducibly quantify AAV aggregates.

Robustness of Biozen dSEC-7 to Mobile Phase Changes for the Aggregate Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsids

In this technical note, Biozen dSEC-7 proves instrumental in quickly and accurately resolving AAV monomer from aggregates in under 10 minutes, showcasing consistent results across different mobile phase conditions. With a 700 A pore size and patented hydrophilic diol-type surface chemistry, this SEC column ensures excellent resolution and recovery for AAV serotypes 5, 8, and 9. The column's robustness across different mobile phase conditions offers a flexible approach when developing methods to reliably and reproducibly quantify AAV aggregates.
Document Type:
Technical Notes
Target Industries:
Separation Modes:
Size Exclusion

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Robustness of Biozen dSEC-7 to Mobile Phase Changes for the Aggregate Analysis of Adeno-Associated Virus Capsids

In this technical note, Biozen dSEC-7 proves instrumental in quickly and accurately resolving AAV monomer from aggregates in under 10 minutes, showcasing consistent results across different mobile phase conditions. With a 700 A pore size and patented hydrophilic diol-type surface chemistry, this SEC column ensures excellent resolution and recovery for AAV serotypes 5, 8, and 9. The column's robustness across different mobile phase conditions offers a flexible approach when developing methods to reliably and reproducibly quantify AAV aggregates.

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