1simazine |
2simazine |
1simazine |
2simazine |
Column: |
Brand Name: Luna Omega |
Part No: |
Phase Name: C18 |
System: Agilent Technologies 1100 Series Agilent Technologies 1100 Series |
Sample Note: a) Prepared 1mg/mL simazine solutions with other 17 pesticide standards
b) Take sample to prepare a 10x Diluted mixture by placing 100uL of the existing mix into a 900uL of a 1:2 Water:Acetonitrile mix.
c) Place 30uL of the 10x diluted mixture into 270 uL of the chili powder supernatant.
d) Place 450uL of sample from step c) into the filter vial for final analysis. |