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EPA 552.2 by GC/ECD on ZB-CLPesticides-2 (Helium Gas)
Separation Mode: Application Specific
Application Specific
EPA 552.2

EPA 552.2 by GC/ECD on ZB-CLPesticides-2 (Helium Gas)

1Methyl monochloroacetate
2Methyl monobromoacetate
3Methyl dichloroacetate
4Dalapon methyl ester
5Methyl trichloroacetate
61,2,3-Trichloropropane (IS)
7Methyl bromo(chloro)acetate
8Methyl bromodichloroacetate
9Methyl dibromoacetate
10Methyl chlorodibromoacetate
11Methyl 2,3-dibromopropionate (SS)
12Methyl tribromoacetate
Official Method: EPA 552.2
GC Conditions (App ID: 22669)
Part No:
Phase Name:
Sample Notes:
1.0 µL pulsed splitless @ 25 psi for 0.75 minutes. Analytes are various concentrations in ethyl acetate: 1. Methyl chloroacetate (1500 ng/mL) 2. Methyl bromoacetate (1000 ng/mL) 3. Methyl dichloroacetate (1500 ng/mL) 4. Dalapon methyl ester (1000 ng/mL) 5. Methyl trichloroacetate (500 ng/mL) 6. 1,2,3-Trichloropropane (4000 ng/mL) 7. Methyl bromochloroacetate (1000 ng/mL) 8. Methyl bromodichloroacetate (1000 ng/mL) 9. Methyl dibromoacetate (500 ng/mL) 10. Methyl chlorodibromoacetate (2500 ng/mL) 11. 2,3 dibromopropionate (2000 ng/mL) 12. Methyl tribromoacetate (5000 ng/mL) Y-Connector: AG0-4717 (Fused Quartz) Guard Column: 7AM-G000-00-GZ0 (5 m Z-Guard™) Liner: AG0-8499 (Single Taper with Wool at Bottom) Septum: AG0-4696 (PhenoRed™-400) Inlet Seal: AG0-8620 (Gold-Plated Easy Seal™)
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