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Beta-Glucuronidase Removal

Product Information
Beta-Glucuronidase Removal
Discover efficient β-glucuronidase removal solutions from Phenomenex. Improve sample preparation and achieve precise analysis with reliable removal methods.

Beta-Glucuronidase Removal

β-glucuronidase removal is the process of eliminating the large β-glucuronidase protein from a sample after hydrolysis to ensure a better analysis. Often labs perform dilute-and-shoot but the β-glucuronidase can interfere with analyte recovery, such as reduced sensitivity and high signal-to-noise. Dilute-and-shoot is a popular method to reduce the concentration of Beta-glucuronidase, but it also lowers the analyte concentration, potentially impacting the sensitivity..  

β-Gone offers:

  • Rapid Sample Clean-Up (Under 1 Minute)
  • In-Well Hydrolysis Capabilities
  • High Recovery for a Full Panel of Drug Analytes

Featured Product for β-Glucuronidas Analysis


Betaglucoronidase removal from sample